Atlantean Exodus Update – What’s In a Name?

I have been working on character names to be used in the Atlantean Exodus RPG setting. For the duration of the playtest, I’ve been handwaving names. Now that most of the mechanics for the game are done, I’ve been turning my attention to this important detail.

Why are names important? In my opinion, naming a mesolithic hunter-gatherer “Bob” or their tribal leader “Grug” would be lazy, would do a disservice to their descendants, and would hurt immersion into the setting.

What is the setting about? To sum up:

“North Africa, 7000 B.C., when the Sahara was still green—a caravan of survivors, who fled the destruction of the once great civilization of Atlantis, travels east. Their aim: to cross the vast savanna to reach survivors on the other side of the continent, and there establish a New Atlantis. They face many dangers—wild beasts, restless spirits, and strange peoples. But the caravan’s sacred task drives them on, even if it takes generations. You, brave explorers, lead the way.”

Because the game is set nine thousand years ago—two thousand years before the earliest known writings—there are no recorded sources of names for this period. The next best option would be to find orally transmitted names.

An approximations of names could be obtained by 1) researching the current languages of Africa, 2) excluding languages that are obvious contemporary additions (Arabic, English, French), 2) estimating the likeliest candidates for the oldest languages, and 3) estimating the proximity of its speakers in relation to the Sahara during its green period.

There is evidence [1] of four different groups involved in Trans-Saharan activity during the Green Sahara period, so I am using four groupings of languages and names. Since the proto-languages of these four groups are unknown, I can only select the closest known language related to these proto-language groupings.

For the southeastern corner of the Green Sahara, I have settled on Oromo as the common language of this region, and therefore the common source of names for this region, based on the previously mentioned criteria.

Names of the Southeastern People

What follows is a list of over 200 Oromo names and their meanings, verified by a native Oromo speaker, that will be used in the game. Three or four other names lists will be included in the finished game.

Name Sex Meaning
Aante M ally
Abdi M hope
Aboma M one who gives orders
Adugna M world
Angafa M first born
Akaku M class
Amadi M free
Araara M peace
Ararsa M settles disputes
Baati M moon
Bakkalcha M full moon
Barihe M sun has risen
Beekan M they know
Begna M compensation
Beka M scholar
Bekuma M awareness
Beno M message
Birra M autumn
Birrissa M fast
Boharsa M entertainer
Bona M winter
Bonsa M makes others proud
Bulcha M governer
Bulti M marriage
Burqa M source
Caala M best
Dambal M wave
Dandi M a path
Dansa M good
Danu M abundant
DhugoomsA M prover
Dinaol M greater than enemies
Dula M warrior
Ebba M blessing
Eebbisan M blessed
Ejeno M decision
Facisa M defender
Falmata M advocate
Fayisa M one who heals
Firanol M more valued than a relative
Gachano M protector
Galana M sea
Gamado M one who is happy
Gari M good
Garuma M goodness
Gulanta M level
Guma M compensation
Gurmesa M one who organizes
Gutu M perfect, complete, full
Guyo M of the daytime
Hachalu M destined to win
Hamba M heritage
Hamiltan M attention catcher
Hayu M noble, wise
Hika M one who gives solution
Hirko M provides support
Hirpha M helper
Horo M one who will multiply
Hubata M insightful
Hundanol M superior
Hunde M foundation, root
Hundesa M one who establishes
Hunduma M everything
Ifa M bright
Imala M traveler
Jalata M compassionate
Jiraa M long life
Kananisa M cherished
Kansa M His
Kebek M know what is yours
Kena M gift
Kiya M mine
Koket M what’s mine is yours
Kuma M thousand
Kutano M commitment
Labsi M proclamation
Lami M citizen
Latera M it has sprouted
Lencho M lion
Marara M handsome
Milkesa M altruistic
Milkii M successful
Moibon M pride in winning
Murti M judgement
Nabeki M paternal
Nafira M relative
Natanan M suitable
Nayad M one who favors me
Nimona M victorious
Obsa M patience
Ofijan M one who is like me
Olani M destined for greatness
Oljira M higher in rank
Oliwaq M from heaven
Oliyad M one who thinks big
Qeero M tiger
Rabira M given by God
Raya M army
Robera M  it has rained
Robsan M given in abundance
Sagni M seed
Siduna M one we would die for
Sifana M one who I owe
Solan M honest
Sura M grace
Tolera M it has gone well
Tolfamee M created by God
Tumsa M assistant
Walabuma M freedom
Yadata M one who remembers
Yerosan M by God’s timing
Yomiyu M resilient
Agartu F one who sees
Aage F one who tells good news
Asanti F one who is close
Akira F life after death
Amarti F jewel, ring
Anane F sweet
Anisa F energy
Aniko F ally
Ardi F continent
Arritti F plant that casts out evil spirits
Ayantu F fortunate
Baredu F pretty
Biftu F of the sun
Bikiltu F young plant
Bilille F beloved
Bontu F proud
Boju F spoils taken
Boree F passion
Burqitu F water spring
Chara F luck
Daho F refuge
Danga F boundary
Dawa F medicine
Debiko F my answer
Doi F a visit
Dure F one who is first
Dureti F one who is rich
Ebanuf F  our blessing
Elelan F a bead
Faya F one who gives beauty
Fenet F by our will
Firdi F judgement
Fedhi F wish
Finalo F choice
Fo’ane F that we choose
Galane F sea
Gifti F royal
Hara F new
Hawetan F my granted wish
Hela F prudence
Heran F regards norms
Hilif F one who sacrifices
Hinsene F without my knowledge
Hiree F my share
Hoquba F glory
Icitii F secret
Iftu F one who is bright
Ilile F voice of praise
Ilili F flower
Jalane F one who we love
Jajabe F courageous
Jajane F admirable
Jitu F wet
Kanariya F friend
Kayo F vision
Kebron F unique
Keraj F special
Ketim F it is yours
Ketoran F accomplished in order
Lalistu F one who grows
Lensa F beautify
Lelo F charming
Losha F good intentions
Loko F tall
Lubu F lovely
Marartu F attractive
Martinu F everything
Meti F silver
Miju F comforting
Milto F friend
Monet F we have won
Nanati F one who is frightened for me
Nafile F one God chose for me
Nahili F one who favors me
Hadhi F nectar
Nato F grace
Nora F bridge
Nuftanan F pursuit of love
Obse F patience
Ogeti F wise
Ofilale F reflection
Olit F from heaven
Qabso F revolution
Qumbi F of great value
Sabontu F proud of her people
Sena F historic
Senet F we thought so
Sichale F better than others
Sifan F what will I do for you
Siftanan F if it suits you
Simbo F graceful
Simanera F we have received
Sinbone F one I am proud of
Talile F clear
Wada F promise
Urji F star
Yadani F with a thought
Yanet F planned

[1] The peopling of the last Green Sahara revealed by high-coverage resequencing of trans-Saharan patrilineages